
Fried Rice

Dear Depression, I mentioned to my friend that I was thinking of trying that rice experiment. I don’t mean the one where you’re showing your family a photo on your phone, a dog barks, you get a fright, chuck your mobile in the air, it lands in your cup of coffee and you need to […]

Natural Prozac

  WHAT THE MEDICINE IS FOR Natural Prozac is for the relief of symptoms caused by depression and being alone. WHAT’S IN YOUR MEDICINE The appearance of the medicine will vary. This version is 6 ft 2, fanciable and with a body you’ll want to treat yourself to. BEFORE TAKING THIS MEDICINE Please check the […]


On Friday I announced on Facebook that I was having a duvet day but that thankfully, it was for physical, rather than emotional, reasons. I was telling the truth. Firstly because no-one ever lies on Facebook do they? And secondly, because now that I’ve outed myself, I’d have no need to pretend – if I […]

Show and Tell

There are rules about the right time to discuss certain things when dating. For example, it is said that you shouldn’t talk about past relationships on the first date. On the other hand, it tends to be preferable if it’s mentioned before then if the ex isn’t actually ex. I felt a bit ridiculous while […]

Friends with Benefits

“Just tell him about your depression,” Dorte said. “I’m not telling him anything of the sort,” I replied. “I’ve only seen him three times. He doesn’t even need to know what I look like without make-up yet.” I’d had a few days of feeling down, my Staceyness was a bit more of the Slater variety, […]